We order direct from top merchants around the world to ensure that you benefit from the most competitive prices. Order shipping times are typically 2 to 4 weeks unless otherwise notified on the product page.
If you place an order with multiple items, please note that different items may be delivered in separate packages within the expected delivery window.
When placing your order, please allow up to 4 weeks for your order to arrive. If you have any queries about the status of your order, please do not hesitate to contact us at support@serenasupplies.com quoting your order number in the subject line of your email.
Standard shipping rates apply:
UK Standard £2.95
UK Standard orders over £30 - Free shipping
Rest of World £7.95
Certain international deliveries may attract customs controls, fees or taxes depending on the type of item, volume or value. It is the buyer's responsibility to check the customs controls or fees associated with their region or country and if these apply to them. Serena Supplies will not be liable for any delays to orders or expenses incurred due to customs controls or Covid-related delays.
Please refer to our Refund Policy.